Thor Consulting Apps

Thor Consulting
Part of a training package for peacemaking inmulti-cultural teams, Peacemaking presents a guide to Biblicalconflict resolution in an interesting and user-friendly way. Whileit is designed as a resource for training in peacemaking,Peacemaking can also be used as a stand-alone guide in individualand organisational settings. Developed in 2009, this training hasbeen used in ten countries to equip dozens of churches andinternational teams with Biblical principles and practices foreffective conflict resolution.Individual peacemaking begins with moving towards conflict,recognising that God provides us a safe place to deal with conflictwhile glorifying Him. We then humble ourselves by removing the logfrom our own eye. After we have reconciled the relationship throughrepentance and forgiveness, we can then effectively resolve thedifferences we are experiencing.Organisational peacemaking is based upon personal reflectionwhere we repent from our sins, forgive our brother, and, whenpossible, overlook their offense. When it is not possible, conflictresolution moves to the interpersonal level which involves therestoration of the relationship or constructive separation. If thisis not successful, leadership becomes involved in the process. Ifsuccessful resolution of the conflict is still not reached, membersinvolved in the conflict should submit to a final decision madethrough arbitration.
Conference 1.1
Thor Consulting
Conference is a private conference eventandresource management application. It enables users toviewconference information and schedules remotely.
Calculator 1.9.1
Thor Consulting
A basic functional calculator.